Public Announcement

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Alvin & The Chipmunks

Erm.. Sorry to be a little bit slow but then I just watched Alvin & The Chipmunks recently and I was totally awed!!! The graphics are almost perfect and they are superbly cute!!! Haha.. If only there were real chipmunks in this world that could sing and dance... I would adopt them!!! Hee.. and become my little musical band.

Present to you Alvin & His Friends....

Blue: Simon, Red: Alvin & Green: Theodore!

Well I certainly did not realise that the voice of Theodore was Jesse McCartney!!! Hahahha! Nope, I'm not his fan-cy at all :P But then Theodore is so adorable!!!!!!! It even makes Hock feels like wanna JIooOOOOk him.. Hahahha! And Theodore reminds me so much of Mikey!!!! Maybe it's the colour of their fur and the round innocent eyes! :P And a little bit of tham chiak-ness too.. Heeeee....


Gerammmm!!!! >.<

And this is Mikey!

Cutie pie~

Lolz... I'm not sure how many of you had seen this movie but then for those who haven't, please take some time off to watch this amazing performance by the chipmunks! It can really make your day :) Hee! My favourite is the Rapping Part at bout time 1.46 and the Don't Cha in the dish washer. Lolz!!!!

*Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me~ Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me~ ... AAAaaaaaaaaaaa~~ Lolz!!*

I like Alvin too as he is the cheekiest among them three and Simon can sing pretty well! Anyways, this is just a very short post!!! For my friends that are now in new places seeing new faces, best of luck and do take care....! I miss you guys!!! ;)

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