Public Announcement

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tung Hing

i'm not a fishmonger

Has anyone of you ever observed a moment of silence and asked yourself, what is the story behind your names? Are you proud of your names? Or you think that it's so unfair that we get to choose everything to anything in the entire universe that we favour but not our names since it's fixed by our parents at the moment of our births?

I'm not so sure bout others but... I'm definitely proud of my name :) I know it's not some kinda sweet and seductive ladylike names, infact it sounds so much like a guy's name! Lols! Erm.. for those of you that don't really know me that well, let me just highlight this point to you. My fullname is Tung Hing and my name is Tung Hing. Just two words and that's Tung Hing once again (that's right ladies~ CC's style) :P

You can call me Balitung, Tong Sampah or Tung Tung Chiang in any matter but then. never. call. me. Tung Tung or Hing Hing (ROARRRRRRS) but it's absolutely alright if you call Yu Yu. HahHHAHAHAHHAHHAA!

When I was younger. I despised my name. Because I thought I was weird to have only 2 characters in my name when everybody else had at least 3! Or maybe 4, including the english name. And silly me once I was, I tried to create an english name for myself and hell it sucks I don't wanna mention or hear it ever again. Haha!

My siblings and I were named by our paternal grandfather whom was originated from China so I think that's how it influenced our names to sound so oriental :P

My sister's name: Tung Fung (aka: Tung Fong Pat Pai)
My brother's name: Tung Oon (aka: Tang Hoon)
Me name: Tung Hing (aka: Tong Sampah) Hahaha! That was what my friends called me in primary :P

There's probably one confusion in my name which is the pronounciation of the surname, Tung. Actually, it goes either way. Can pronounce as toong or tang, depending on the accent. Because mostly Caucasians pronounce my name as tang since it can be derived from the english word tungsten. I'm not offended in anyway ;)

I was just randomly surfing through the internet by googling my own name. And I found this which I think looks pretty historical :P.. It gives me a very weird feeling like... how many Tung Hingsss are there in this world :P

Trust me, if you happen to google the name Tung Hing, you'll end up in the eatery business, mostly! Lols! There's actually a building in Penang that is named: Bangunan Tung Hing too. Lols. You often pass along that area it's just that you don't realise cuz it's quite a run down 80s building, beside Chew Thean Yeang Petshop :P

Just recently, I was checking my hotmail inboxes. Actually, I'm not quite active in hotmail (except MSN Messenger), in fact I don't check my mails there and that's why when I logged in the other day.. there was a whopping figure of 300 messages pending for my acknowledgement :P To my surprise, I received something very extraordinary, not any forwarded messages or mails.. something that's so customized that's only for me ;)

I'm a rabbit according to Chinese Calender ;)

Lolz! That was actually done by my youngest Uncle, Ah Cheong Khu specially for me. I'm not sure why he did that out of the blue, I thought hi and low and the only reason could be... I'm cute. *~Twink ;)~*! HahahHHAhhahAHAHahhahHA!

He probably got that from my one of blogpost. The thing is, this mail was actually sent to me last year November 22nd, 2007 and here I am, receiving it almost a year later November 11th, 2008!~ HAHAHAHA! So thanks Ah Cheong Khu!

Time flies. Last year this moment, I remember I was crazy over Takuya Kimura and was driven nuts by STPM. And this year. Everything starts anew and so much about me that has changed. Everything for the better :)

and p/s: Choya is a type of Japanese health wine that I randomly pick as my virtual name. So mates, drink Choya for good health ;)


Anonymous said...

She ain't heavy - she's my niece..sign off w luv frm a khu

Anonymous said...

sabah got TONG HIN mall n TONG HIN COFFEE SHOP as well lol


What should be the name of my NAMETAG?!