Public Announcement

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I L.O.V.E This Song!

Yay!!!!!!!!!! Finally I found this song from Youtube!
Trust me, it's nice! So so nice!
Faster play it!!!!
But of cuz, Taiwanese Hokkien dialect is slightly different as compared to ours, but if you can catch what it means, it sings a very lovey-dovey meaning!
You see, when you follow this kinda long winded drama, as in 500-600 episodes over 2 years, from a zero u can become a hero!
On top of everything, I like the music!

p/s : Siew Lay and Kah Whai, I know you guys like this song too! :P

Sometimes in life, I feel it's pretty heavy to keep everything to myself. The dilemma speaks when no matter how much I wanna unload, I just know I can't.
It's amazing that sometimes, there are songs that sing out my blues.
Grass is always greener on the other side. It looks easy to live on others shoes rather than ourselves, but it's not, as a matter of fact.
Diamonds are ugly stones before being processed.
In live, we use to judge on how the surface looks like but do we ever care what's the story behind?
It's not easy to be you what more to say about me?
Questions of live are hard to be answered, or maybe there's none at all.
Life after all is all about day and night, tears of joy and despair, hours of real life drama, earning and spending money and rest in peace in the coffin soon after that!
I know what I'm waiting for tomorrow to be done but do I know what is waiting for me tomorrow?
Am I given an allowance of making some mistakes?
Sometimes, it pays a big price for being naive and ignorant.
But I've learnt. It takes my whole lifetime to pay for this price.
I won't walk into such gray places, ever again.
At times, wisdom and maturity come by with regretful mistakes. And time is the only factor.
I'm counting each of the days, and I'm still counting.
Sometimes, you need a view from a third party telling you what kinda person you are.
What I am in the eyes of others??
Am I more than just a voice???
My reflections in the mirror tell me limited things.
It's hard to live up expectations. So hard.
Especially my own.

Do not go where the angels fear to thread :)

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